ISA Certified Arborists
for North Texas Trees
Why do you and your trees need an ISA Certified Arborist?
Why should tree trimming be supervised by an ISA Certified Arborist?
Why are ISA Certified Arborists essential to tree health care?
Why else might I need an ISA Certified Arborist?

Arborist Services
View Photos of our Arborists Providing Different Types of Consultation

Construction is the most common cause of tree death in urban environments. Under the supervision of a Certified Arborist in the planning phase of construction can help assess the potential impact to your trees and suggest modifications in plans when possible. One helpful action is to erect barriers as far from the base of the trunk as possible, or a minimum of the drip line.

Our ISA Certified Arborists can assess your property for tree care issues including compaction and recommend a course of action to remedy the issues. Diagnosing compaction involves an understanding of local soil types, property information related to activities affecting the soils, as well as a thorough knowledge of tree types and common issues.

Our Tree Health Care Programs are designed to deliver the right nutrients at the right times throughout the year. We use the highest quality soil conditioners and fertilizers that are delivered at critical points throughout the seasons to optimize the growth and health of trees.

Sometimes issues with a tree aren't clearly visible on the outside so an arborist will need to inspect the interior. An arborist does this by probing with a small knife to see how extensive the decay in a region of a tree is. Arborists are able to use this information along with other signs to determine if there are potential structural issues or possible increased chances for failure.

The best way to approximate the size of a tree is to measure their dbh, (diameter, breast, height). This enables our arborists to estimate the amount needed for Tree Health Care products or pricing for Tree Removal.