ISA Certified Arborists
for Tree Removal
Tree Removal by a Local Arborist you can Trust
Tree removal in an urban environment like North Texas can be challenging and require professionals who use safety equipment and riggings to assess possible risks.
At Texas Tree Surgeons we strictly follow TCIA and ISA guidelines, we are insured, bonded, and have general liability and workman’s compensation insurance.
Why Use a Certified Arborist for Tree Removal?
Urban environment tree removal is a specialized skill due to several factors that create a possible hazardous situation.
- Limited space
- Utility lines
- AC units / pool equipment
- Electrical
- City ordinances
Dangerous Tree Removal
Dead and dying trees become increasingly weak and brittle the longer they are present. Having a local arborist who is also TRAQ certified (tree risk assessment qualification) to evaluate safety and timing of removals is critical.
When a tree has become diseased and is either incurable or too far gone to respond to treatment, removal is often the only option, especially if the disease in question (for example oak wilt) can spread to other trees in the area.
Root Rot and Risk of Tree Failing During Tree Removal Process
Knowing if a tree is stable enough to be removed by professional tree climbers is critical. Root rots such as Ganoderma, Krutchmaria, etc. will make trees structurally unsound. Diagnosis of a trees stability prior to removal is necessary. An ISA Certified Arborist can determine the risk or tree removal prior to starting the job.
TRAQ Certified Arborists for Tree Removal
Understanding and evaluating weakness in the tree prior to removal is important to know because it will eliminate risk to property and workers during the process. Trees with different defects, cavities, diseases, and fungal rots need to be removed differently for safety.
Climbers vs Machinery for Tree Removal
When a tree is not safe for a climber the use of cranes and heavy machinery is sometimes required. Use of machinery like this will increase prices. Cranes and heavy machinery also require lots of space and can not be used in limited spaces. At Texas Tree Surgeons we specialize in working with experienced climbers that use DRT (Double Rope Technique) to help them move safely within the tree canopy allowing them to make very specific controlled cuts.
Tree Removal Process
The tree removal process starts with safety. After a tree has been TRAQ assessed by a ISA Certified Arborist and has been deemed safe for our climbers to ascend they will outfit themselves with proper safety equipment and tools.
Climbers typically begin in the top section of the tree. Larger limbs are cut into smaller pieces on site and eased down to the ground by using ropes. This rope rigging allows us to safely control their descent. Once the tree trunk is all that remains the crew then begins removing the smaller sections of the trunk from the top down, until it becomes short enough to cut as low as possible to the ground, usually a few inches above the grade.
Depending on the size of the tree trunk, our Certified Arborists can discuss stump removal with you.
As the tree is being removed our groundsmen safely remove debris off site to be hauled away. At Texas Tree Surgeons debris haul off is included with all of our removals. If you would like any of the tree limbs left on site for your personal use (e.g. firewood) just let us know, we are happy to help.

Tree Removal
From Start to Finish We Get the Job Done
Tree Removal
View Photos of our Highly Trained Crew's Getting the Job Done

We strictly adhere to TCIA & ISA guidelines in order to ensure everything we do is safe and in the best interest of your trees. By getting your tree assessed by our team of ISA certified arborists and trimmed by one of our skilled crews is the best way to ensure that your tree lives a long and healthy life.

The best way to approximate the size of a tree is to measure their dbh, (diameter, breast, height). This enables our arborists to estimate the amount needed for Tree Health Care products or pricing for Tree Removal.

To ensure a job is completed quickly groundsmen will haul away brush intermittently while trimming or removal happens to keep the site clear and safe to move around. Groundsmen will chip the material on-site as needed to make sure all debris is collected and removed at the end of the job.